  • Slope Remediation / Protection & Dams

This work is very environmentally sensitive and requires a commitment and respect for the environment. Before we complete a project of this nature, we inspect all of our Cat rock trucks and excavators. We have numerous spill kits on site and we are proud to say we have never had to use a kit. We finalize logistics, tidal chart reviews, scheduling of materials and planning for contingencies.

This type of work typically embraces erosion and sediment control measures, access construction, clearing and grubbing, excavation of native and deleterious materials, slope preparation, supply and placement of riprap and other aggregates, drainage and floodway improvements, access roadway construction, ditching, fencing, riparian planting and restoration, topsoil placement and seeding.

A recent project was completed 300% ahead of the owner’s schedule and with references from all concerned. The project embraced barging large quantities of 1200 mm Riprap and hauling/placing with Cat 730’s/ 330’s near Vancouver International Airport.

We have completed projects in British Columbia and Alberta.